The Sassafras Science Adventures Year 2 Experiment Kit includes all the hard to find or difficult to get materials for the experiments for the Volume 3: Botany and Volume 4: Earth Science programs.
Includes the following:
- Aluminum pans
- Aquarium test strips
- Black construction paper
- Borax
- Coffee filter
- Coffee stirrers
- Cotton balls
- Cups
- Eyedropper
- Flashlight
- Floral foam
- Foil
- Food coloring
- Glass jar
- Gloves
- Gravel
- Jell-O
- Magnifying glass
- Marbles
- Marker
- Matches
- Modeling clay
- Paper clip
- Paper cups
- Pipe cleaner
- Putty knife
- Rubber bands
- Sand
- Sponge
- Spoon
- Straws
- String
- Tape
- Toothpick
- Wooden dowel
- Ziploc baggies
Sassafras Science Adventures Year 2 Experiment Kit